Who We Are

Signal brings together experts in global politics, grassroots organizing, and mass communications to deliver a revolutionary approach to legal notice.

In 2014, after assessing the current state of traditional class notice practice, Jim Messina and Matt Garretson collaborated to form Signal Interactive Media. Messina, best known for leading President Barack Obama’s reelection campaign in 2012, brings more than 25 years of experience in reaching and motivating targeted audiences through mass media. He applies the art and science of today’s commercial and political advertising to legal media campaigns—providing access to advanced consumer modeling, effective social media campaigns, and empirical proof of reach and efficacy. Garretson brings extensive experience administering complex mass tort and class action settlements, having provided claims administration in hundreds of high-profile matters over the last 15 years.

Through our diverse team and multidisciplinary approach, Signal is expanding the idea of what legal media can be—and improving on it Please review our offerings sheet describing our services in detail. 

Signal is distinguished among notice providers by overwhelming global experience — and more importantly, results.

Our Team