Signal Interactive Media is a cutting-edge media firm, bringing together experts in global politics, grassroots organizing, and mass communications to revolutionize the field of legal notice.

In Media Placements
$ 0
Class Action & Bankruptcy Cases
0 +
Years In Combined Media Experience

Even niche groups incorporate a range of attitudes and media consumption habits. Understanding the people impacted by litigation is key to establishing trust and driving meaningful participation.

Signal brings consumer research and modeling, custom digital tactics, and advanced data analytics to the legal notice process. We’re expanding access to benefits to the people who need it most.

To break through the noise, you need to build trust through a stronger, more personalized signal.

Signal’s “notice program is a first-of-its-kind effort and is unprecedented in scope and impact. The Court finds that the notice program is a significant benefit to the class."

Hon. Thomas W. Thrash, Jr.

Senior Judge of the United States District Court for the Northern District of Georgia
Equifax, Inc., Customer Data Security Breach Litigation
Past Campaigns

The Signal Difference

Signal designs robust and creative notice programs using a modern political campaigner’s approach to identifying, reaching, and engaging individuals. We merge media, analytics, and legal notice in an unprecedented way.

Three key tenets of Signal’s work separate us from the competition:

Signal is revolutionizing legal advertising.

Key Leadership

Signal was founded by veteran political strategist Jim Messina and Matthew Garretson, an industry leader in complex settlements. Under the leadership of Dr. Shannon Wheatman, Signal brings together experts from global politics, grassroots organizing, data analytics, and communications to deliver a revolutionary approach to legal advertising.

Signal is a division of The Messina Group, a full-service strategic consulting firm trusted by presidents, prime ministers, and corporate leaders around the world with the biggest fights of their lives.